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Hyperlinks to sites of interest for Military Personnel and their families.

click the below icon


The Anglico Organization
Useful Links and Phone numbers
Defense Link
Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act is here
As well as family information
The "Stars and Stripes" newspaper includes a daily ""Messages of Support" section giving family and friends of deployed service members a chance to pass along greetings, announcements, and words of encouragement. Such messages (LIMITED TO 50 WORDS OR LESS) will be printed on a first-come, first-run basis. Messages may be sent to: messages@stripes.com.
Donate a calling card to help keep servicemembers in touch with their families at Operation Uplink at <http://www.operationuplink.org>/
Navy/Marine Relief Society at <http://www.nmcrs.org>/
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance at <http://www.cgmahq.org>/
Air Force Aid Society at <http://www.afas.org>/
Army Emergency Relief at <http://www.aerhq.org>/
The Gift of Groceries program at <http://www.commissaries.com/certificheck/index.htm> helps meet the family needs of our Guard and Reserve troops fighting the war on terrorism.
Donate to"Operation USO Care Package" at <http://www.usocares.org/home.htm>.
"Gifts from the Homefront" Certificates now allow you to send a gift certificate to a loved one, family member or dear friend associated with the military. These certificates are redeemable by Authorized Patrons of the PX/BX and are redeemable at all locations around the world including deployed areas. If you're looking for the perfect gift to give that special individual anytime and anywhere, then "Gifts from the Homefront" Certificates are the perfect choice, go to <http://www.aafes.com/docs/homefront.htm>.
Help send care packages to the troops with a monetary donation to Operation USO Care Package <http://www.usocares.org/services/afes>
Support the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services <http://www.redcross.org/services/afes>
Become a foster "parent" for a military person's pet at www.NetPets.org <http://www.netpets.org/netp/foster.php>
Sign a virtual thank you card at the Defend America <http://www.defendamerica.mil/nmam.html> site
Send an email greeting through Operation Dear Abby <http://www.OperationDearAbby.net>
For families of servicemen and women, go to Operation Uplink <http://www.operationuplink.org>
How to "adopt" a U.S. Deployed Soldier through
Adopt-A-Platoon.org <http://www.adoptaplatoon.org/howsupport.html>
Volunteer at a VA Hospital to honor veterans who bore the lamp of freedom in past conflicts
Purchase a Patriot Bond at <http://www.ustreas.gov>.
Support the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services at <http://www.redcross.org/services/afes>/
800 Hotlines


PURPOSE:  The purpose of the Army Family Assistance Hotline is to provide families and loved ones caring support in the form of accurate information, useful resources, and helpful referrals related to family issues.  The Family Assistance Hotline is a "safety net" for those who have exhausted all other information resources.


PURPOSE:  This line is an information and referral resource for both active and reserve Air Force service members and families.


NAVY  1-800-FSCLINE or 1-800-372-5463



For Marines stationed East of the Mississippi River (minus Wisconsin) 1-800-336-4663

For Marines stationed West of the Mississippi River (plus Wisconsin) 1-800-253-1624

(Headquarters NGB)

There is also an 800# for each NG state coordinator—may be accessed through this number


US COAST GUARD 1-800-872-4957, EXT 932 
(this is the Coast Guard EAP for HQ - Work-life program) 



PURPOSE:  Contact manager provides accurate and up-to-date deployment health information about present and past military deployments to service members, veterans, family members and the general public.  As needed, the Deployment Health Support Directorate provides case management and referral services.  Hours of operation:  9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST


Marine Moms On Line

Marine Wives


Marine Corps
Family Network

Silent Few
USMC Husbands

Free Military Graphics

Virtual Wall

Grunts Military Site

Sgt. Mom's
Family Support

Supporting Our Marines

Marine Corps League

Young Marines

Wives of 
Military Recruiters

If you have a website and would like to have it added here, please send an e-mail note with your URL and we will gladly add it for you.  

The military pages of our site are not affiliated with, connected to sponsored or sanctioned by the US Government or the US Military or any branch of service. They are our family's way
of expressing our thanks to the men and women who serve our country and sometimes give their all to guarantee our freedom.   Comments expressed on any of the military pages of this site do not represent the opinion of the US Government, Military,  USMC,  Fourth ANGLICO  or any other governing body.